La compañía Suncom Energy, empresa especializada en soluciones de calor, ha inaugurado una nueva planta termosolar en Países Bajos, la cual supone un impulso a la obtención de calor con [...]
The global market for Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) is experiencing significant growth. In 2023, the newly installed capacity tripled compared to the previous two years, with 116 systems [...]
SolarPACES announces the publication of the 2023 edition of Blue Book of China’s Concentrating Solar Power industry, by China Solar Thermal Alliance. It offers an update of China’s CSP development, [...]
Tetra Pak se ha asociado con la empresa sueca de energía solar térmica Absolicon para ofrecer una solución estandarizada que utiliza energía térmica renovable en equipos industriales. Absolicon ha desarrollado [...]
The cost of renewable energy has significantly decreased in recent years, which marks the way towards a fully renewable and sustainable future. However, this energy transition is not possible without [...]
The quest for sustainable and clean energy sources has propelled the development of various solar technologies to harness the abundant energy radiating from the sun. Among these technologies, Photovoltaic (PV) [...]
The aviation sector has charted a course to decarbonize itself – and investors see opportunity. According to BNEF, startups with a focus on low-carbon aviation technology raised $4.6 billion in [...]
As more and more wind power and photovoltaic power are connected to the electrical power system, it brings great challenges to the stability of power grid. Concentrated solar power (CSP) [...]
The US government has finally unveiled its long-awaited proposed rules on clean hydrogen production, determining the criteria that developers will have to meet in order to qualify for the hydrogen [...]
The boy who returns. The return of Concentrated Solar Power to guarantee green energy 24 hours a day
An old system is gaining popularity among researchers for its versatility and cost-effectiveness in providing clean fuel. Concentrated solar power (CSP), which had been nearly driven out of business by [...]