Concentrated Solar Power technology and its potential contribution to electricity supply in Northern Nigeria

13 de agosto de 2023

Energy is an essential requirement for socioeconomic development in a country; however, its provision depends on availability of energy sources and the required investment. As Nigeria is experiencing rapid growth in population, adequate energy provision is necessary for corresponding levels of production and development.

The need for sustainable and renewable sources of energy has emerged globally owing to environmental issues associated with the use of conventional fossil fuels. In order to consider the possibility of harnessing the solar energy resource in northern Nigeria, this study explores the potential contribution of the adoption of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology to electricity supply in the far northern States of Nigeria. These States are chosen because of the relatively high Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) in the region. The paper seeks to uncover the potential for CSP in Nigeria, and determine when the cost of energy from CSP will become competitive with the cost of energy from conventional power.

Original language English (US)
Pages (from-to) 529-537
Number of pages 9
Journal International Journal of Renewable Energy Research
Volume 3
Issue number 3
State Published – 2013


Ogunmodimu, O., & Marquard, A. (2013). CSP technology and its potential contribution to electricity supply in Northern Nigeria. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 3(3), 529-537.

Olumide Ogunmodimu, Andrew Marquard

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