The hybrid renewable energy system based on concentrated solar power (CSP) technology has been demonstrated as a promising approach to utilise renewable energy. To combine the configuration and operation with [...]
Australia could shave as much as $10 billion off the cost of the transition to a renewable grid by investing, now, in the development of very long duration energy storage [...]
Australia, despite its abundant solar energy resources, still heavily relies on fossil fuels for its electricity grid. However, a breakthrough in concentrated solar thermal (CST) research using ceramic particles could [...]
A worldwide survey of project developers shows an extremely positive trend for the next few years. 62 plants with 331 MW are being planned – half of them in Europe. [...]
La fotovoltaica generó el 16% en septiembre, la eólica el 17,3% y la termosolar el 1,9% en septiembre, La demanda de energía eléctrica de España desciende un 2,4% en septiembre. [...]
Kuwait is set to advance its long-awaited 4-gigawatt (GW) Shagaya solar power project, with the Request for Qualification (RFQ) for various phases scheduled for release by the end of this [...]
A new chance for KLINGER Brazil to contribute to a green energy project recently came about in Rosana, São Paulo, where Eudora Energia just completed the nation’s first heliothermal power [...]
Adding 200 MW of Concentrated Solar Power using parabolic basin complex technology. Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has commissioned the 200MW second unit of the parabolic basin complex in [...]
Synhelion has joined the WEF’s Global Innovators Community. The Global Innovators Community is an invitation-only group of the world’s most promising start-ups and scale-ups that are at the forefront of [...]