Along with photovoltaic solar energy and wind energy, there is another renewable technology that takes advantage of our main energy resource, the sun, to produce electricity: solar thermoelectric, thermosolar or [...]
Vast and CYD develop innovative Avatar Model to simulate and optimise molten salt tank operation in first utility-scale project deploying Vast’s world-leading clean energy technology. Vast Solar Pty Ltd («Vast» [...]
Print Special Issue Flyer Special Issue Editors Special Issue Information Keywords Published Papers A special issue of Energies (ISSN 1996-1073). This special issue belongs to the section «A2: Solar Energy [...]
En el mes de agosto se han alcanzado nuevos récords de producción del parque termosolar español, con una producción de 860 GWh, lo que supuso un 4,2% de la demanda peninsular.