2022 Blue Book on China’s Concentrated Solar Power industry launched

8 de marzo de 2023

China Solar Thermal Alliance to present China’s CSP status update

Date: March 21,
Time: 21:00 (9 PM) Beijing time
UTC 13:00:00
Opening: Christoph Richter, Executive Secretary SolarPACES
Introductory Comments: Zhifeng Wang, Chairman of China Solar Thermal Alliance
Presentation of Blue Book on China’s CSP Industry 2022: Fengli Du, Secretary of China Solar Thermal Alliance
The webinar will include a Q&A section

The heliostat field at a Tower CSP plant in China IMAGE@Cosin Solar

Presenting the updated 2022 Blue Book on China’s CSP

Fengli Du of China Solar Thermal Alliance will present the data through the end of 2022 on China’s CSP projects completed and underway in this webinar, hosted by SolarPACES Secretariat Christoph Richter

To join this webinar, please email secretariat@solarpaces.org with the subject line: “China CSP Blue Book Presentation”

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